Wednesday, January 31, 2007

worse friend ever

i'm starting to think i really am an insensitive bastard.

i sent out an e-mail today to a group of people at work that included photos from a past event. one of the photos had my friend smoking in it.

first i get an e-mail.

then a phone call.

then another e-mail asking me to retract the group e-mail.

why? because she didn't want a photo of her smoking getting out to the group. she was embarrassed. now keep in mind this photo is old and she hasn't smoked in quite a while. i honestly sent the photo as i thought everyone in the photo looked nice.

sigh. i really can't handle antagonizing another friend.


DCSportsChick said...

pfft. If she doesn't want a pic of her smoking to get out, she shouldn't smoke in front of a camera. You're hardly being insensitive; how were you supposed to know she'd get all squirrely?

vixen said...

follow up: she e-mailed and said she was over it and apologized for the hysterics.